Wednesday, 27 October 2010

向包包面say goodbye!


BOTOX是一種天然純化的蛋白質,亦是目前唯一獲美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA) 及香港衛生署核准於美容用途上的肉毒桿菌素A型,由於它也是一種肌肉神經傳導阻隔劑,可用以放鬆肌肉,舒解臉部皺紋,讓肌膚回復平滑有緻。BOTOX醫學上已被應用了十多年,經全球數百萬人廣泛使用治療,其安全性和有效性均已得到證實。

雖然注射BOTOX 改善皺紋情況已非常普遍但其實除了治療動態紋外 注射BOTOX對於改善包包面(咀嚼咀嚼肌發達)已亦愈黎愈普遍!注射BOTOX一般可維持半年若效果消失了可再注射keep住爪子臉還不快向您的包包面講byebye?


如有興趣,詳情可致電2186 6111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook

Monday, 18 October 2010

Hong Kong iPhone / iPad Orchestra 3.0 Open call for musicians

Do you own an iPhone or iPad?

Do you want to perform with the innovative Hong Kong iPhone / iPad Orchestra at TEDxPearlRiver, an independently organized TED event happening right here in Hong Kong?

Then answer this call now!

Performance Date: October 30, 2010

Rehearsal: October 29th

Location: Artistree, Taikoo Place, Hong Kong Island

Registration: Simply send your name and cell phone number to

Samson Young will lead another edition of the innovative orchestra of iPhones and iPads at the upcoming TED x Pearl River Delta event. If you own an iPhone or an iPad, you can take part! No musical experience is necessary.

Musical instruments are nothing but physical gesture-to-sound interfaces. The in-built microphone of an iPhone can be transformed into a sensor, enabling participants to blow into it in order to mimic a wind instrument. IPhones and iPads may also be used to mimic percussion, stringed and many other instruments. You will be given all the necessary tools to turn your mobile device into a musical interface.

What will happen?

- On registration, follow the instructions given in the special PDF pack and download the necessary iPhone and iPad softwares.

- Prepare your part in the orchestra at home.

- Attend a rehearsal the day before the event. On the day of the event, arrive at the site 30 minutes and then perform to the TED crowd! You will be invited to attend the TEDxPearlRiver event!

About the Hong Kong iPhone / iPad Orchestra

Hong Kong iPhone / iPad Orchestra is a technology-assisted community music project, using iphone, ipad and other mobile devices as musical interfaces. Performances of the ensemble have received wide spread media coverage, with appearances from CNN's global website, to TVB evening news, to new media portal Rhizome. The group, led by composer-artist Samson Young, was featured at the Hong Kong-Shenzhen Architectural Biennale, as well as the 2010 Hong Kong Art Fair.

About Samson Young

Samson Young (b.1979) is one of Hong Kong’s most sought-after composers today. With formal training in music composition, an eye for visuals and a keen interest in emergent technologies, Young has been known to combine his diverse expertise into uniquely intermedia experiences. His works are fundamentally informed by an engagement with new cultural-technological paradigms, yet deeply grounded in the classical musical tradition.

In 2007, Young became the first from Hong Kong to receive the Bloomberg Emerging Artist Award with his audio-visual project “the Happiest Hour.” In 2009, CNN’s global portal CNNgo named him one of the top “20 people to watch in Hong Kong.” Young was Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s artist associate in the 2008/09 season, and since then he has maintained a close relationship with the orchestra, working in the capacity of composer-director in a range of multimedia productions. These include: Electric Kinderszenen, a piano-installation project featuring Colleen Lee; Box of Revelation, a multimedia rendition of Messiaen’s Quatuor pour la fin du temps; and the popular “Know-Your” concert series.

Enquiries and registration:

Wednesday, 13 October 2010

Botox VS 去皺護膚品?

皺紋一直是女士們的大敵皺紋最易暴露了女士的年齡所以很多女士一直想辦法延緩皺紋的出現現在坊間有很多品牌都標榜去皺的功效功效可能只是或需要較長的時間才能見成果如果只是抗那已經走了出來的皺紋怎麼? 又如果遇著有party要出席, 或要準備結婚了, 有沒有想過在短時間內移走那令人感覺老化的皺紋?

現在botox已被廣泛應用於醫學美容上 botox已是非常普遍的事情可能還有可能還有少數人怕打針、怕有後遺症,但基本上只要你找一個合資格的醫生,不會有任何後遺症,打botox真是輕易不過!

Botox是一種天然純化的蛋白質,亦是目前唯一獲美國食物及藥物管理局(FDA) 及香港衛生署核准於美容用途上的肉毒桿菌素A型,由於它也是一種肌肉神經傳導阻隔劑,可用以放鬆肌肉,舒解臉部皺紋,讓肌膚回復平滑有緻。保妥適在醫學上已被應用了十多年,經全球數百萬人廣泛使用治療,其安全性和有效性均已得到證實。保妥適注射的療程包括:改善國字面、輪廓提升、提升眼眉部位、修塑小腿、撫平皺紋 (如:額紋 / 魚尾紋 / 眉心紋)、治療多汗症!


現在華洋坊推出了十月新優惠 只要2人同行即享75折優惠!!如果你找不到朋友,只要致電到華洋坊,還會有專人立即幫你配對!享受75折優惠

如有興趣,詳情可致電(852) 2186 1111或瀏覽華洋坊Facebook